The debate on religion in schools is going to be a constant one. After reading the article Religion in Schools Debate Heats Up, I have mixed feelings on the subject. The article states that the Texas curriculum currently requires students to explore and critique the strengths and weaknesses of all scientific theories. Students are not just able to question the Evolutionary Theory, but all scientific theories. I think that questioning and debating the different theories, allows for a deeper understanding of the information. I do not think that students should just take all the information we give them as teachers and educators and never question it. Even though what we teach them is factual, they need to be able to see it believe in it with their whole mind.
I personally believe in creationism, however I would never teach my beliefs on the subject in a public school system.I agree that it is considered unconstitutional and do not think creationism should be taught in public schools. However, I feel that it is our job as teachers and educators to create a learning environment that allows student to question and explore everything that is discussed in the classroom. If that brings up “hot topics”, I think the classroom should be a safe and nonthreatening place to hold those discussions. It is important for students to form their own beliefs and opinions.
The issue of the moment of silence was also discussed in the article. I feel that the option of a moment of silence is good to have. I think that if it is taken away, it conveys the message that it is not okay to pray to oneself in school, or to reflect in one’s own way. Students, who do not wish to participate, do not have to. They can read or use that time to get a few more seconds of studying in; and by seconds, I mean seconds, less than a minute! Can we really not give students a few seconds to think, reflect, pray or anything else they would like to do, quietly?